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Week 2: Goal Analysis with Presentation

Millennium Development Goal Analysis

Goal 1 - End Poverty and Hunger

​This goal aims to abolish poverty and hunger in an entire state. There should also be little to no unemployed citizens in the country, and more job opportunities for the people who need them. Depending on the region, hunger may be more extreme to some, than to others. The point is to at least half the number of people that make less than $1 a day by 2015.

Just like most countries, Israel has it's rich and it's poor. The percentage of extreme poverty isn't accurate, and hasn't been updated since 2010. But the statistic for that year is 4.47%. There is a similar statistic, the amount of underfed people has been 5% since 1991. Overall, Israel seems like a 1st world country compared to it's neighbors.

Goal 2 - Education

This goal strides to get children into school and educate them to at least a primary level. Equality also plays a huge part in this, boys and girls alike are encouraged to go to school, having the same rights and benefits. Also, depending on the region, this goal is harder to reach to some countries for than others.

In recent years, Israel's enrollment in primary education has been over 95%. This counts for both boys and girls. The latest statistic implies that more girls are enrolled in primary institutions, but that was from 2009. Of the kids that were enrolled, every year the completion rate went up. Kids in Israel started completing school, especially boys who in 2008, got a 100% of completed primary education.


Goal 3 - Women Equality

Women are not as represented as males are in societies around the globe. They still need to be treated as equals when it comes to paid employment and positions of power. Education is also a factor. It’s exclusive to men in some instances.

In secondary and tertiary education, women have gotten more of a presence. Even in the workforce, our side of agriculture, the statistics from 2009 imply that women and men share the number of jobs equally. Even in parliament, while the number of seats stay the same, women have managed to increase their numbers in the government. Not being the same number as men, but they make up around 20% of parliament.

Goal 4 - Child Mortality Rate

This is a global wide problem, some places have it more than others, but it’s present. People are striving to have the right resources and medical staff to secure a young infant’s life after birth.

The child mortality for children under 5 rate has gone down. Unfortunately, 0% of death seems impossible in any country, but Israel has done a good job of maintaining a low percentage of deaths that have done from 11% to less than 5%. The mortality rate itself for newborns and infants has gone down to less that 4%. It's surprisingly well.

Goal 5 - Maternal Death

It affects us as much child mortality. This is an issue that is based on the amount of medical expertise the country has. Again, this issue is present in some areas more than others. We need to teach these developing nations how to deal with maternal health.

Maternal death rate has decreased to 7 deaths per 100,000 live births, an unfortunate number situation for those small number of women. Unfortunately, Since 2009, there haven't been any update on statistics from MDG indicator. Not much to report on the subject.

Goal - 6 HIV/AIDS

AIDS/HIV is an ongoing epidemic that affects the entire world. Unfortunately, there is no cure and only treatment. Of the treatments the world has, we have to share that with the world and continue empowering the people until a cure if present.

Nothing has been done for HIV. The number of people infected has increased, no cure, and little treatment can be given. Other diseases like malaria and tuberculosis are treatable, and the amount of people infected has gone down.

Goal 7 - Environmental Sustainability

This goal will be achieved based on the number of informed people are willing to take the initiative and take a stand against climate change. With the entire world acting as consumers with no thoughts regarding the Earth, it is no surprise that these fossil fuels are destroying us. Not only that, but there are even worse things like slums that aren’t even regarded by their local governments. The world needs to focus on cleaning up the Earth.

Not sure how the area of Israel is. Making an assumption, I believe the the region it's in isn't exactly well know for forests. Israel only has a little over 7% of their land as forests. The water is clean, and has been maintained like that. The use of CO2 has increased in the last number of years, while use of Ozone depleting substances has decreased. Overall, it seems like they somewhat care.

Goal 8 - Global Partnership

This is basically letting the developed countries participate in a program that allows them to aid underdeveloped nations. Not only that, but technology and aids alike will be shared and connected between the world and more and more people will be able to enter a world market with the help of developed nations. The more people with money means a more successful global market.

More people have been given access to the internet, mobile devices and connected to the rest of the world in the last decade. Israel's alliance with the United States has allowed them to continue innovating their way of life. Israel is successful in the Middle East, despite their many enemies. Is they manage to make peace and negotiate with their enemies, they will be looked to as a leader in the region.

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